Thriving in the scruffy lineage of Dune Rats and later The Chats, Byron Bay’s Skegss broadcast everyday sentiments while knocking out brashly melodic garage anthems. It’s all easily relatable, from the begrudging acknowledgment of aging on “Got on My Skateboard” to the feeling of being trapped in a place on “Smogged Out.” Ben Reed’s reverbed vocals slot in just as easily on the band’s cover of the Pixies classic “Here Comes Your Man” too. Since debuting in 2014 with the single “L.S.D”—which isn’t about drugs but rather enjoying life in the sun while you can—Skegss have set aside plenty of time to chronicle intoxication too (see “Wake the F*ck Up”). By setting those natural impulses to the catchiest of chords, songs like “Fun” don’t complicate things any further than a simple wish to prolong that titular sensation.