Rachelle Bleakley

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About Rachelle Bleakley

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. I grew up classically trained with opera-singing parents, played several instruments, and in many musicals as a child.I traveled for ten years in a wedding band before entering the ministry in 1998 as a worship leader/music minister under CILM Music. What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular? Praiseworthy, Rachelle Bleakley, I Find Grace - EP Rachelle Bleakley, Let the Glory Fall It was at a time in my life when I needed to persevere through many physical challenges that I was battling that "I Find Grace" was released. A special memory of "Let the Glory Fall"CD#2 a live event, captured all spontaneous/prophetic worship songs. Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song. “Open the Door” It's a true call from the heart of God to His people to let Him into their hearts. Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in..." That is the will of Jesus Christ the Savior.

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