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About Moontower

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. My dad Marty came home one day with a giant box of speakers bought just for fun. After he showed me how to hook them up to a receiver, we blasted tunes for hours from many different albums we borrowed from our local library. Music is better loud! -D What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? Our first festival ever was Reading 2019 in England. We gave out fortune cookies after Billie Eilish played that said "You will see Moontower at 2pm" and then like 3000 people showed up and just raged. The love for new music there is so incredible! Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band? Be true to ourselves and each other, make albums, push the boundaries of what releasing music looks like, keep touring the world and take care of our community...We've done this at certain scales, and the bucket list is just trying it at new ones -J

Los Angeles, CA, United States
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