Downfall Of Gaia

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About Downfall Of Gaia

Downfall of Gaia is an extreme metal band from Germany. Their sound combines elements of crustpunk, doom, sludge, and atmospheric post-black metal. From their earliest demos -- 2008's The Downfall of Gaia and 2009's Salvation in Darkness -- through later albums for Metal Blade -- 2012's Suffocating in the Swarm of Cranes and 2016's Atrophy -- their crunchy aesthetic offers jagged, raw, twin-tremolo-picked guitars, dissonance, blastbeats, upmixed bass, and filthy vocals offset by a heavily atmospheric production standard until they shifted it for 2014's Aeon Unveils the Thrones of Decay. While they retained the crustpunk and post-metal influences, they embraced experimentation and progressive elements. Their 2019 offering, Ethic of Radical Finitude, showcased their "more is more" M.O. with layers of scripted tension, hostility, menace, and grief. After the pandemic, it wasn't until 2023 that Silhouettes of Disgust appeared.

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