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- An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music Vol. 5 - Fifth A-chronology 1920-2007 · 2007
About Claude Ballif
Ballif studied with Messiaen at the Paris Conservatoire. His theoretical work Introduction à la métatonalité contains his development of a system that enlarged tonality rather than evade it, as in atonality. Metatonality is based upon a scale of 11 tones and implies chromaticism and a tonal base at the same time. For Ballif, the object was to avoid the disorientation of atonality, replacing it instead with a free tonality. Ballif also incorporated sounds from the environment in his compositions, as in the work of John Cage. These include orchestral mimicking of natural sounds. ~ Lynn Vought
- Paris, France
- May 22, 1924
- Classical