That Feels Like Home is considered Sheryl Crow’s “country” album is a matter of semantics. Many of her best records, starting with her 1993 debut, Tuesday Night Music Club, could’ve been marketed as country-rock albums due to their acoustic instruments and roots influences. And here, songs such as “Shotgun” and “Easy” are as close to the lessons of The Rolling Stones as they are to Trace Adkins (who’s taken a few lessons from the Stones as well). Crow operates at a highly professional level where only the best musicians get near her songs. These folks can shade a tune any which way they choose, and Crow only needs to twirl her vocal into a countrified croon for a song like “We Oughta Be Drinkin’” to sound more downhome than uptown. To hear what she can do vocally with “Give It to Me” is more on-point than whatever considerations she gives toward "country." A good song is a good song, genres be damned, and Crow knows a catchy one when she sings it.