Thirteen years after their last album, Suicidal Tendencies turn in their lucky 13th album: 13. As anyone who was a teen in the '80s can attest, Suicidal Tendencies and their brand of suburban disenchantment hit a raw nerve among those young people who had their lives rubbed wrong by a society well out of step with youth culture. Jimmy Fitzpatrick and Larry Linkogle make a cameo for "Smash It!," but most of the album features Mike Muir returning to the scene of the crime, with an emphasis on heavy metal guitar solos and rhythms slower than the usual thrasher crowd. Tunes like "God Only Knows…Who I Am," "Make Your Stand," and "Slam City" all topple the five-minute mark, playing out more like compact miniseries than punk anthems. "Life (Can't Live with It…Can't Live Without It)" starts with a furious opening before turning darkly psychedelic, while "Living the Fight" recalls '80s angst. Old punks don't need to learn new tricks; they just need to find new songs that present the old tricks to a new crowd. ST are up to the task.
- 1997
- D.R.I.
- Black Flag
- Sacred Reich
- Body Count