Time to Move On (Break-Up Songs)

Originally this playlist was intended for people that knew there was an expiration date on their current relationship and rather than waste the next few months (or years) under the sword of Damocles, it’s best to cut the cord and move on. This playlist is for when that isn’t an easy decision. Many of these songs show someone in anguish about what to do in their current relationship. Sometimes staying with that person is easier because even though there are more bad times than good, it’s familiar. Ending that and moving on is scary because change is scary. You don’t know what the future holds. You feel that pain with this playlist and hopefully, you can gain the strength to do whatever is right for you while listening to this as well. This playlist later took on another purpose too: many of these songs work for trying to move on from an ugly break-up. I’ve had friends tell me that his playlist is perfect for after you’re done mourning the relationship with the “Dumped & Devasted” playlist, coming to this one can help you pick up the pieces and move onto the next phase of your life (I also think my Feel Good playlists works for that). Songs like “Sorry” (Daniel Bedingfield), “Back to Me” (Daya), “Be Alright” (Dean Lewis), “Cheers for the Tears” (Soleima) and more take on a new meaning when this is your mindset.

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