Mods love two things above all else: to dress sharply and to dance. Operating under the mantra of clean living under difficult circumstances, the original ‘60s West London scenesters raved all night to a mix of Motown and Stax soul, Jamaican ska and pugnacious Chicago blues, as well as local sharply dressed guitar bands like The Who and Small Faces, who boasted an encyclopedic knowledge of American R&B. The emphasis is always on energy and youthful exuberance—this is music to shake your peacock feathers to. Subsequent revivals in the ‘70s and onwards have added a punky, eye-popping intensity to those primal sounds, with 2 Tone bands such as The Specials upgrading ska, and New Wavers like The Jam adding their own signature twist to keep the flame alive. One thing is for sure: As long as there are soulful songs and exquisite footwear, the mods will come dancing.