Arlo Parks: Visionary Women

“Here are some of my favorite women making music across the ages,” London singer-songwriter (and Apple Music Up Next alum) Arlo Parks says of her International Women’s Day playlist, made exclusively for Apple Music. “This playlist is a reminder that ‘women in music’ is not a genre, but that there is a plethora of exciting, special, and wildly different music being made by women—now and always.” Lest you think Parks is a singer-songwriter in the traditional mold, her picks here buck convention at almost every turn, and include offerings more electronic and experimental in nature. Kelly Lee Owens’ “Arpeggi” "has such a celestial tone to it,” says Parks. “It feels like this cleansing, rolling wave of sound washing over you. The way that she approaches healing and personal exploration is so inspiring—her record Inner Song has been my 3 am companion for months now.” And of “Dreamboat” by Joviale, Parks comments, “I love how wonky and idiosyncratic this song is. The line that stands out to me is 'Do you like the color red? It is all I see now.' It’s this melting pot of playfulness and desire, and that synth bass is completely out of this world.”