1st Drop Music RHYMES

1st Drop Music RHYMES

1st Drop Music’s RHYMES playlist is a captivating collection of alternative Hip-Hop tracks that perfectly blend compelling lyricism with infectious beats. Featuring the unique style of 1st Drop Music artists like Bear the Astronot, The Wax Chumps, Turntable Kachina, and Bear Cole, this playlist takes listeners on a lyrical journey like no other. Each artist brings their own distinct flavor to the table, resulting in a diverse and refreshing listening experience. Whether it's Bear the Astronot's introspective storytelling, The Wax Chumps' clever wordplay, Turntable Kachina's smooth beats, or Bear Cole's signature genre smashing, the RHYMES playlist offers a selection of tracks that are bound to leave a lasting impression. For fans of alternative Hip-Hop looking for something out of the ordinary, this playlist is a must-listen. 1stDropMusic.com for more.

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