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About Nolo

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. I remember when I was about 5 years old me and my brothers would act like we were in a band. We made our guitars and drums off of shoeboxes, rubber bands and toilet roll cardboards; Some of the best times I had. What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular? Brent Faiyaz, F**k the World Brent Changed the game with Modern Rhythm and Blues, from his lyrical expression on a track to the raw emotions in his voice. It's a genuinely authentic take on RnB that feels like a breath of fresh air from the old generic music being made. Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song. “Still” This Song is the purest form of my personality, I will always be there for my Loved ones and no matter what Ill be there for them, Kinda like the Prodigal Son Story What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? My Performance at a Vanguard One Show, I did an acapella set for the first time in front of my crush and everyone Loved it. I was sweating my nuts off too

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