Lightning Swords Of Death

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About Lightning Swords Of Death

Southern California's Lightning Swords of Death were forged in 2003, born of a pact between vocalist Autarch (aka Farron Loathing), guitarist Roskva (Jeremy Stramaglio), and bassist Menno (just Menno) to lay waste to humanity via the occult science of black metal. And so they set forth, like three riders of the Apocalypse (numerous different drummers have stood in as the fourth), beginning with 2005's Plunder & Lightning demo before unleashing the Golden Plague album in 2007, and then splitting a release with fellow So-Cal black metal tyrants Valdur. Next, Lightning Swords of Death partnered with Metal Blade Records as they readied to cross over into The Extra Dimensional Wound -- their second full-length -- in 2010, featuring latest drummer Mike Vega. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia

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