Gracyn Blu Louis

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About Gracyn Blu Louis

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. I was lucky to learn piano at a really young age. When I was about 6 or 7, I remember my first time playing a four-hand piano piece with my dad. I'm pretty sure the song was about bananas. What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular? FINNEAS, Blood Harmony (Deluxe) Orla Gartland, Woman on the Internet The Staves, If I Was I feel like I grew up on The Staves' "If I Was." I listened to this album on repeat as a teenager when I was dealing with debilitating mental health struggles. "Woman on the Internet" and "Blood Harmony" are really inspiring albums for me. What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? My first music video was recorded during a dangerous snowstorm in Pittsburgh. We did some shots where I layed in the snow with no coat and the snow was coming down so fast that it just piled on me. That's one of the coldest I've ever been. Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band? Man, performing music I've written in front of people who know it, that would be insane.

Long Valley, NJ, United States
May 18, 2001
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