Released as a double disc, To Venus and Back consists of an 11-song studio album, Venus Orbiting, and a 13-track live collection, Venus Live, Still Orbiting. Amos is that rare performer whose mastery of her instruments — piano and vocals — deepens with time. She's a living contradiction, an artist whose work is emotionally compelling and harrowingly personal, yet sheltered in private imagery and unorthodox pronunciations that deliberately obscure her intentions and meanings. “Bliss” begins the dark journey with “Juarez” following with firm, tense beats chasing a hallucinatory vocal that channels another dimension. “Josephine” strips down to piano, bass and drums for a nearly naked performance. The live collection features a number of fan favorites – “Cornflake Girl” and “The Waitress” – alongside some less expected material. With a solid backing band that follows her every whim, Amos is free to expand beyond the studio interpretations, twisting words for different meanings and keeping fans excited to hear where she’s taking them next.