Paracosm is the sophomore album from musician Ernest Greene—a.k.a. Washed Out—whose 2010 album Within and Without made him a prominent figure in the then-emerging chillwave scene. While opaque intimacy was a defining feature of his earlier releases, here even the title Paracosm (i.e., fantasy world) suggests the songwriter's developing inclination to write more expansive, open, and ornate songs. Parts of Paracosm move rapidly through rolling, lucid soundscapes ("It All Feels Right," "Paracosm"). Others take their time and unfurl slowly, patiently showing their inner layers only when the time's right ("All I Know," "Falling Back"). Paracosm closes beautifully with the disarming "All Over Now." While there's no doubt that this record also falls into the genre that Washed Out helped create, Paracosm is wider in scope and richer in ambition than anything Greene has released before.