Assume Crash Position (Congotronics 4)

Assume Crash Position (Congotronics 4)

The Congolese group Konono No. 1 made a big splash in the United States and Europe with the release of Congotronics in 2005. Western listeners were instantly captivated by the driving rhythms of electrified likembes (thumb pianos), percussion, and chanted vocals. And the band’s new fans loved the clangorous distortion that was the result of playing through a pieced-together sound system of the group’s own devising. The music gave new meaning to the phrase “joyful noise.” 2010’s Assume Crash Position tweaks Konono No. 1’s formula a tad — guitars are now part of the exciting rush of sound — but the basic vibe remains the same. The 12-minute opener, “Wumbanzanga,” shows how well guitars fit into the rumbling, hypnotic mix. A whistle blast ignites the group’s drummers on the brief “Thin Legs,” which segues into “Mama Na Bana,” which also appeared on 2007’s Live at Couleur Café. The album closes with “Nakobala Lisusu Te,” a solo piece that features Mingiedi’s singing accompanied by likembe. It provides an intimate glimpse of the band reduced to its essence.

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