Last Call

Last Call

People are stubborn; musicians more so than most. So it’s a pleasant gust of fresh air to have Black 47 announce that they're hanging it up in November of 2014 after 25 years together. Continuing their blend of classic punk, folk, Gaelic, rock, and other styles, this New York City band are going out with a bang on Last Call, their final studio album. The world is a different place now than when Black 47 started, but singer/guitarist Larry Kirwan and the boys have stuck to their guns, reveling in the city's rich cultural fabric (“Queen of Coney Island” and “Salsa O’Keefe”), speaking out against injustice (“US of A 2014” and “Let the People In”), and celebrating Irish culture (“Ballad of Brendan Behan” and “Shanty Irish Baby”). The band also keep challenging expectations—the Celtic immigrant song set to reggae on “Johnny Comes a’Courtin’” stands out, as does the punk reel “St. Patrick’s Day,” which mixes celebration and sentimentality without pandering. This band retain a clear-eyed vision undimmed by the years.

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