Go Ask Yer Dad - EP

Go Ask Yer Dad - EP

Not only does this EP boast the catchiest song in The Tyde’s discography to date, it also has some stellar b-sides. If you enjoyed the trace elements of Beachwood Sparks’ sound that peppered The Tyde’s debut album, Once—on which three members of the Sparks played—you'll find these songs are less mellow and more rhythmically punctuated. The opening title track is instantly infectious, as frontman Darren Rademaker sings like a young Tom Verlaine over a poppy Byrdsian jangle and the warmth of a warbling old Hammond B3 organ. Guitarist Ben Knight’s psychedelic guitar fuzz sounds like somebody jammed a microphone into a beehive, which is nicely balanced with some acoustic fingerpicking that recalls moments from Love’s Forever Changes. “Blood Brothers” contrasts a slightly slower groove with Rademaker’s distorted vocals singing about how he equates manhood with the years spent trying to make it in a local band. But what stands out in this recording is the alluring mix of vintage surf-rock tones and modern indie rock effects. “Play It as It Lays” works in cool analog keyboard sounds.

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