For those who follow música Mexicana, the growth of this Sinaloan quintet over the past year has been undeniable. The string of solid singles released in the first half of 2021 showcased strong musicianship and memorable lyricism from these rising stars. And now, with the release of ADN, Diferente Nivel prove themselves as more than just ones to watch in the thriving contemporary corridos scene. Previously released cuts like “A Mí Me Dicen el Cubo” and “Fácil” join newer ones like the visibly hardened “Nervios de Acero” and the romantically complicated “Aquí Sigo.” Members Arturo Balderas and Juan Lugo split the lyric duties across these dozen songs, the former’s lovelorn “Loco” and the latter’s epic “Un Gran Líder” as notable album highlights.

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