Best known as one half of the long-established piano duo Tal & Groethuysen, Yaara Tal goes it alone (mostly) in this fascinating glimpse of works published or premiered in 1923. Some of the composers—a roster that includes Bloch, Mompou, and Schoenberg—are familiar, but the pieces she’s chosen are far from well-known. Take Delius’ enchanting Three Preludes which are lyrical, evocative, and full of charm, or Joseph Achron’s poised and utterly engaging couple of miniatures. Josef Matthias Hauer’s Op. 25 Klavierstücke are tiny tone poems of exquisite delicacy. There are riches to be mined on every track. Marvel at the wistful, delicate Quatre danses miniatures by Alexandre Tansman, one of the many European Jewish émigrés to the US, or Émile Jaques-Dalcroze’s deliciously “anguished foxtrot” (“Le Fox-trot angoissé”). Fritz Heinrich Klein’s hypnotic Die Maschine (The Machine) for piano four hands features a guest appearance by Andreas Groethuysen, adding to an already engrossing collection.