Ali Beletic

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About Ali Beletic

Ali Beletic is an artist and singer/songwriter noted for her raw, bluesy indie rock. Born to a vocalist mother, she studied voice and piano growing up, and took up the guitar after moving to New York. She studied filmmaking at New York University, then went on to spend several years as a multimedia conceptual artist in the city while engaging in Brooklyn's hectic music scene. She and her partner Seth Olinsky (Akron/Family) eventually decided to move to the desert Southwest to "get off the grid" and live and work in more open spaces. While continuing on as an installation artist, she began to work on an album, and over the next few years found musical inspiration in the area's nature and mythology. Combining elements of garage rock and proto-punk with blues-rock, the resulting debut LP, Legends of These Lands Left to Live, was released in mid-2016 by Lightning Records. Co-founded by Beletic and Olinsky, Lightning to that point had operated as a subscription label. Olinsky co-produced and co-engineered the debut, which also featured drumming by Danny Frankel (Fiona Apple, k.d. lang) and Mike Horick (Four Star Alarm). ~ Marcy Donelson

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