Damien Robitaille Essentials

Damien Robitaille Essentials

Damien Robitaille is the rare Quebec-based francophone rocker who hails from English Canada, with roots in the southern Ontario town of Lafontaine. But after studying classical music at Waterloo's Wilfrid Laurier University, Robitaille parlayed his entry in Ontario Pop—a singing competition for French-speaking Ontarians—into a successful career in La Belle Province. Since breaking through with the charmingly eccentric folk-pop of 2006's L'homme qui me ressemble, Robitaille has expanded his sound to absorb '70s classic rock and soul (2009's Homme autonome) and '80s New Wave and reggae (2012's Omniprésent). But no matter what style he adopts, Robitaille's music brims with a bonhomie that requires no translation.

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