Matt Edible & the Obtuse Angels

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About Matt Edible & the Obtuse Angels

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. Not the earliest of memories but when I went to college people played Radiohead and Pixies to me and took me to gigs. I listened to John Peel on the radio. Discovered Grandaddy, Melt Banana and Godspeed You Black Emperor - I wanted to hear everything What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular? Carla Bozulich, Evangelista Hawksley Workman, (Last Night We Were) The Delicious Wolves Josh T. Pearson, Last of the Country Gentlemen These three artists all a huge effect on me. They showed me different things that music could be. All passionate and emotional in different ways but never conventional and boring. Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song. “The Healing” The Healing felt like the centrepiece of the debut album - Stairgazing. It started as a simple piano riff and built to a post-rock inspired monster. Honoured to have the wonderful Mike Gale guesting on vocals. What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? Receiving the first copies of Stairgazing on vinyl and CD was massive for me. I've got a huge record collection and to be able to incorporate my own record was pretty special. Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band? There are so many things we'd like to do. At the moment the goal is to find a label that loves our music and wants to release it. The main goal, as it is for a lot of people, is to be able to make a career out of music so I can focus on it 100%

Hull, England
June 2016
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