Suray Sertin

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À propos de : Suray Sertin

Selon l’artiste : Décrivez en détail l’un de vos plus lointains souvenirs dans le domaine de la musique. I have a distant memory of playing with a slightly detuned piano at my grandmother's apartment. I was filled with wonder and curiosity by the instrument. I remember pretending to crack my fingers before playing it, just like the cartoons I saw on TV. Quels sont vos trois albums préférés sur Apple Music et pourquoi ? Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ces trois albums en particulier ? Enigma, MCMXC a.D. Maribou State, Portraits Radiohead, OK Computer I chose these albums for their unique sound, which deeply influenced my music making approach. MCMXC a.D. holds a special place in my heart as it played a significant role in shaping my artistic sensibilities during my childhood. Choisissez sur Apple Music un morceau à vous que vous aimez particulièrement et dites‑nous ce qui le rend si spécial. Dites-nous pourquoi vous avez choisi ce morceau “Midnight Delivery” I picked 'Midnight Delivery' because it's such a timeless tune. It's got this mix of electronic and organic sounds that give it a really haunting vibe. Its first version has been there since 2017 and it reminds me of so many different memories. Quel est jusqu’à présent l’un des moments les plus marquants de votre carrière ? Playing at Piknic Electronik was definitely an incredible experience, but I have to admit, the launch of my first EP in 2018 still holds a very special place in my heart and stands out as one of the most significant moments of my career so far. IYKYK Souhaitez-vous proposer autre chose en tant qu’artiste ou en tant que groupe ? I can't really predict what the future has to offer, but what I can tell is that I really encourage you to dig in what I have proposed in the past while I am working on proposing new stuff for the future.

Montréal, QC, Canada

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Amérique latine et Caraïbes

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