Russell Louder

Dernier album

Classement des morceaux


À propos de : Russell Louder

Selon l’artiste : Décrivez en détail l’un de vos plus lointains souvenirs dans le domaine de la musique. My dad's weekly choir rehearsals that happened in a giant gorgeous church in PEI. I think it's where I learned how harmony works. Choisissez sur Apple Music un morceau à vous que vous aimez particulièrement et dites‑nous ce qui le rend si spécial. Dites-nous pourquoi vous avez choisi ce morceau “Mirror” It's about something different. It's the beginning of a period in producing and songwriting where I was making the decision to go with my gut.It also signified the end of my investment in a relationship that was stifling my musical creativity. Quel est jusqu’à présent l’un des moments les plus marquants de votre carrière ? Humor was longlisted for a Polaris Prize.It's not just some industry pageant you have to pay to nominate yourself for.It was an honor to get a nod from a jury of professionals and be on a list amongst some of the most respected artists in Canada. Souhaitez-vous proposer autre chose en tant qu’artiste ou en tant que groupe ? This year I really took a deep dive into the work of Rufus Wainwright.Specifically his Sophomore album 'Poses' and I haven't been cracked open by someone's songwriting like that in a very, very long time. It's just exquisite. Highly recommend.


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Amérique latine et Caraïbes

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