Latest Release
- OCT 20, 2023
- 11 Songs
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
- Beautiful Dreamer · 2000
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
- Beautiful Dreamer · 2000
- Beautiful Dreamer · 2000
- Beautiful Dreamer · 2000
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
- Dreaming of Summer (Piano Solos) · 2000
About Robin Spielberg
In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. I remember being a toddler and reaching up to the keys to play the melody I heard my mother singing in the kitchen. It made her so happy that I could do this, and we made a game of it. What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular? Steve Winwood, Arc of a Diver (Deluxe Edition) This album was playing in my friend's dorm room while we were having a deep conversation about being unhappy at college. "WHILE YOU SEE A CHANCE" came on. It was during the course of the song that I decided to transfer to NYU and pursue my dreams. Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song. “Walk With Me” I composed this piece after having a wordless walk with my mother. We had argued a little and stopped talking to one another. By the end of the walk in the woods, we were holding hands and our love replaced our ill feelings. Love prevails.
- 1962
- New Age