Rick Dees And His Cast Of Idiots

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About Rick Dees And His Cast Of Idiots

b. Rigdon Osmond Dees III, 1950, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. While working as a disc jockey on Memphis radio in 1976, Dees decided to record a disco parody. Inspired by Jackie Lee’s 1965 hit ‘The Duck’, he wrote a song, added a memorable disco backing overladen with a chorus that owed much to the spirit of cartoon character Donald Duck. At a time when disco records were the rage, the novelty ‘Disco Duck (Part One)’ insinuated its way into public consciousness and hit the top of the US charts. Dees attempted a follow-up, ‘Dis-Gorilla’, inspired by the movie King Kong, but won only minimal chart success. After a belated final hit with the comic ‘Eat My Shorts’/‘Get Nekked’ in 1984, Dees wisely concentrated on his broadcasting activities and has since become one of the most popular broadcasters in American radio history.

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