
Dernier album

À propos de : Prokop

Selon l’artiste : Décrivez en détail l’un de vos plus lointains souvenirs dans le domaine de la musique. I think music might be one of the first memory I have in my life. I remember being a very small kid, I passed by the living room and the Bob Dylan 1966 Royal Albert Hall live was on, my father was listening to it... Seems like it changed my life! Quels sont vos trois albums préférés sur Apple Music et pourquoi ? Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ces trois albums en particulier ? Ami Flammer, Gérard Barreaux, Moshe Leiser, Chansons yiddish, tendresse et rage Bob Dylan, Blonde On Blonde PJ Harvey, To Bring You My Love I frequently ask myself and people what are their five favourite albums, it changes all the time of course, but I feel like these three ones are always in the top. They defined me musically speaking I guess. Choisissez sur Apple Music un morceau à vous que vous aimez particulièrement et dites‑nous ce qui le rend si spécial. Dites-nous pourquoi vous avez choisi ce morceau “House of the Rising Sun” I've learnt guitar to play House of the Rising Sun like Bob Dylan and finally recorded it in a VERY different way.That's what I like about that song! Quel est jusqu’à présent l’un des moments les plus marquants de votre carrière ? I think the recording of the triple-album was quite something... 8 musicians with acoustic instruments gathered in an old mansion house living room around songs and nothing else... That was powerful!! Souhaitez-vous proposer autre chose en tant qu’artiste ou en tant que groupe ? I think people need to take the time to really listen to music and to listen to entire albums. That can't be bad!

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