Последний релиз



По словам артиста: Подробно опишите одно из ваших самых ранних воспоминаний, связанных с музыкой. There are two main things in our memory that we believe led us to where we are now as musicians: purchasing a simple music editor game for the Sony PlayStation 1 in early childhood, and the movie "Sister Act 2" with Lauryn Hill in a main role. Какие три альбома в Apple Music вам нравятся больше всего и почему? Почему вы выбрали именно эти три альбома? blackbear, ANONYMOUS blackbear, digital druglord blackbear, the afterglow - EP The emotionally profound lyrics, expressed in simple words to address common social issues and experiences, along with melodic vocal parts and unexpected musical forms, make these albums special for us, as do all the other albums by this artist. Выберите в Apple Music одну из своих песен, которую любите, и расскажите, почему она особенная для вас. Почему вы выбрали эту песню? “НА ДНІ” This release means a lot to us and expresses the feelings and emotions we experienced while creating it. It's all about feeling utterly helpless and empty inside, while seeing no way out from a strong mental trap. Какой был самый запоминающийся момент вашей карьеры? The most powerful impression occurs when people create art using our music in the background and express gratitude for the emotions it evokes in them. Есть ли у вас как исполнителя или у вашей группы важные планы, которые предстоит выполнить? The most significant item on our bucket list is to help people find happiness. Every smile or positive emotion after anything we share reminds us that we are here for a reason. Our goal is to motivate, inspire, and support people through our songs.

Современный R&B
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