Initially released as a single album and a double album, Joe's Garage was issued eventually as one massive rock opera about "Joe." The story is told through the narrative of "The Central Scrutinizer," as Joe forms a band, has sex with appliances, is imprisoned and then released to a world where music is outlawed. As usual, Zappa tempers a number of styles, with touches of country-pop in the title track and stoned-out 70s rock wafting from "A Token of My Extreme." Most guitar solos have been taken from old live tapes and reformatted to the studio tracks. "Watermelon in Eastern Hay," a track Zappa considered among his best, was an exception to this experiment. In fact, his son, Dweezil, is the only person allowed to perform this song, according to Zappa's last wishes. "Catholic Girls" and "Crew Slut" turn out catchy and demented pop, complete with munchkin vocals. "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?" and "Stick It Out" continue Zappa's scatological/sexual streak obsessions to further humorous results.