There’s a palpable immediacy to Real Boston Richey. It’s everywhere from his blunt D-boy aphorisms to his tightly coiled but straightforward rhyme structures. It’s even in the title of his debut project, Public Housing, a nod to the government-owned properties where trap dreams go to live and die. For the 2022 effort, Richey distills trench travails from the porch he hopped off from, his Tallahassee drawl affecting a mix of effortless charisma and icy detachment. It’s a stylistic constellation he reinforces on Public Housing, Pt. 2. Featuring tracks from the first mixtape and a bevy of new ones, it's an engaging mix of terse street raps, anthemic hooks, and engrossing style. Combining a rambling flow with hyperspecific details, Richey erases the gaps between scenes, ideas, and emotions, serving up sprawling topics within the confines of a single song. For "Krazy," he oscillates between complaints about his girlfriend and a comical threat to take legal action against the government. Teaming with fellow Florida star Kodak Black for "Navy Seals," he makes time to compare his guns with those of the U.S. military before mapping out drug-dealing logistics and complaining about a friend's hefty prison sentence. These are more everyman hustler complaints than the quips of an ornate wordsmith. His unpretentious lyricism is juxtaposed with his penchant for indelible choruses. Tracks like "Play With Me" and his Lil Durk–assisted "Keep Dissing 2" ring off with directness and conviction. Teaming up with Future ("I Want You," "Bullseye 2"), Richy slides over ominous trap beats for tracks that blend menace and dismissive flexes that can be as quotable as they are harrowing. All throughout, his calm delivery and seeming non sequiturs create the intimacy of a jail letter or a curbside conversation—stanzas with hidden meanings and incomplete thoughts meant to be understood only by the people they're intended for.