This allegedly L.A.-based artist, whose name happens to correspond with the main character in the 1966 British comedy Morgan—A Suitable Case for Treatment, has made an album that sounds like the soundtrack of a late-'60s movie about hippies and the crazy music they listen to. The sounds are so thick that it’s quite the trip for headphone listening. Conventional songs poke out here and there (“Barbarian Kings”), but the true thrill is letting the entire album wash over you as an environmental piece that transforms your space into the back of a customized van. “Backwards Bird, Inc.” and “Tropicana” near the album’s end confirm that this is what a Magical Mystery Tour should’ve sounded like in 1967, if one was writing not a pop album but a film soundtrack meant to blow your mind (“I Am the Walrus” excepted, of course). From the opening strains of “Makes My Grey Brain Green”—with its nasty electric guitars, overmodulating bass guitars, and enough reverb, echo, and space effects to make listeners lose their sense of the center and of gravity—Morgan Delt succeeds in going in all directions.
More By Morgan Delt
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