The husband-and-wife duo of Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist bought an 1830s brick farmhouse in southern Ohio in the mid-'00s, and they've spent the past few years getting in touch with the past and the present that exists in its rooms and on the acres surrounding them. When they eventually came up for air, they had a double album’s worth of material. Then they recorded it in six days with producer Joe Henry, along with a spirited cover of The Band’s “It Makes No Difference.” Bergquist brings a solemnity to everything she sings, and traces of The Cowboys Junkies feel present in low-key and haunted tracks like "I’d Want You.” The duo's own bluesy edge breaks through the title track and “Gonna Let My Soul Catch My Body.” But mostly this is a spiritual quest, and reflection is the preferred mode—even as storm clouds threaten on “Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down.”