Some bands would be content to win the pop jackpot just once before fading into history as a one-hit wonder, but not Nada Surf. The trio kept making impeccable, dreamy pop long after its 1996 fluke hit "Popular" was forgotten and the band dropped by its major label. This, the band's deceptively simple-sounding third full-length, is a worthy example of that perseverance paying off. Fueled by the wistful throat, smart lyrics, and catchy hooks of front man Matthew Caws, Let Go is almost dangerously front-loaded with memorable tunes. "Inside of Love," "Happy Kid," "Blizzard of '77," and "Blonde on Blonde" are so great it can be hard to resist constantly replaying them and neglecting the rest of the album. Though the album earned a bit of notice on its release thanks to Nada Surf's sonic kinship with fellow Pacific Northwest denizens Death Cab for Cutie, it merits considerably more.