This is the U.K. edition of Peter Gabriel’s 2003 career summary Hit. It contains the same first 15 choices (credited as Hit), but what would be disc two (the Miss portion) is notably different here from the 14-track U.S. edition. The differences are the inclusions of Robbie Robertson’s mix of “I Have the Touch” (from the Phenomenon soundtrack), “D.I.Y.,” “No Self Control,” “A Different Drum” (from Passion: Music for the Last Temptation of Christ), and “Washing of the Water," plus the dismissals of “I Don’t Remember,” “Love to Be Loved,” “Family Snapshot," and “In Your Eyes.” This makes both overviews less greatest-hits collections than alternate stories of Gabriel’s career. While “Solsbury Hill,” “Shock the Monkey,” “Sledgehammer,” and other hits are here, the real interests are the rarities, such as the previously unreleased “Burn You Up, Burn You Down,” the Steve Osborne mix of “The Tower That Ate People” from the soundtrack to The Red Planet, “Lovetown” from the Philadelphia soundtrack, and “Downside Up (Live),” a previously unreleased version of a song from OVO.