Liverpool's Clinic continues wandering the sonic landscape with a series of left turns that make its music exciting and unpredictable. Over the years, its atmospheres have altered and priorities have shifted, but there's still a soulful psychedelia at the heart of everything Clinic does. Oneohtrix Point Never's Daniel Lopatin mixed two tracks ("Miss You" and "You"), and the added beats and ripping bass lines provide a danceable option that isn't always available from these art-punk aesthetes. "For the Season" is more in line with its ethereal ventures, striking a balance between space-rock and folk music without tipping into cliché. "Misty" evokes further space travel, with guitar lines that arrive from an airy echo and vocals that tiptoe atop the mix. "See Saw" brings a skeletal punkish attack, with further touches of weirdness worthy of a late-'60s Donovan album. "Cosmic Radiation" drops in for a short take on '70s Krautrock.