Having been Nick Cave's right-hand man since the days of The Birthday Party, Mick Harvey knows exactly what he's doing. If he rarely casts as strong a vocal presence as his old mate, he more than makes up for it in taste and with instrumental and arrangement chops. His solo efforts have gained strength with each release, and 2013's Four—a personal song cycle broken into three parts and featuring a number of key covers—is among Harvey's finest works. PJ Harvey joins in for the lustful unpeeling of her song "Glorious," where the two singers dance around each other's presence while the night simmers behind them. The under-two-minute majesty of "I Wish That I Were a Stone" creates a flashy showpiece. It melts into a spooked cover of Van Morrison's "The Way Young Lovers Do," with the song's youthful energy and optimism turned into a foreboding brooder. Mick Harvey makes music of great, satisfying drama, even when he strips things down for "Wild Hearts," where his voice has no place to hide.