The award-winning Canadian composer Howard Shore has scored dozens of movies dating back to his debut: David Cronenberg’s 1979 science fiction classic The Brood. He's gone on to write music for every Cronenberg film since, with the exception of 1983’s The Dead Zone. In 2012, Shore collaborated with the Canadian rock band Metric to create music for Cosmopolis, which was adapted from a Don DeLillo novel. Most of the tracks are Shore-penned instrumentals performed by Metric. The percolating “White Limos,” where a guitar jangles with a U2-like sense of drama, effectively opens the album. “Rat Men” creates a quiet, uneasy atmosphere that's scratched with a few judiciously placed guitar tones. The longest piece, “Benno,” is both haunting and propulsive. The soundtrack also includes three songs—“Long to Live,” “I Don’t Want to Wake Up,” and “Call Me Home”—that were cowritten by Shore and Metric and spotlight the vocals of Metric frontwoman Emily Haines. And one striking track, “Mecca,” features Somali-Canadian rapper K’naan intoning lyrics he cowrote with DeLillo.