This young London quartet plays rock 'n' roll with an excitement only a newer group still learning its turf can convincingly express. Smartly employing producer Ethan Johns—known for his ability to capture a band in a room without sacrificing tone—The Vaccines sound fresh and complete. The songwriting is basic and to the point, catching the beauty of simplicity in the vintage melody of "All in Vain" and enjoying the guitar-to-bass interplay for the pining "I Wish I Was a Girl." Come of Age works like an old-fashioned LP, opening with the high-energy, punk-influenced "No Hope" and finishing with the wistful sendoff "Lonely World." In between, the album unfolds like two equally paced sides, with the surf-western jungle-rock "Ghost Town" finishing off the first part and the endearing guitar weave of the power-pop "Aftershave Queen" kicking off the extended second half. Building on the raw energy of their debut, What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?, Come of Age delivers progress and 11 reasons to love rock 'n' roll all over again.