Initially known just as Misfits, this 1986 compilation is among the essential releases from New Jersey's most wonderful horror-punk band. Accolades and covers from Metallica and Guns N' Roses raised their profile more than Glenn Danzig's entire solo career. The Misfits' musicianship was always raw and amateurish, but the songs were simply too great and easily overcame the shortcomings of the bargain-basement productions. Quite simply, no punk collection should be without "Night of the Living Dead," "Where Eagles Dare," "Skulls," or "Astro Zombies." Most of the material has been remixed—though few fans have heard the original small pressings of vinyl singles and EPs that this music is often taken from, so these versions have gone from "alternate" versions to "official" by attrition. The loose, muddy performances contribute to the appeal of the howling tunes, especially "I Turned Into a Martian" (here in a different mix from the Walk Among Us album) and "Horror Business," from the EP of the same name. A second compilation—Collection II—rescues the remaining stray single and EP tracks.
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