Liam Parsons and Stefan Blair have been close friends since high school, and that easy intimacy runs through their work together as Good Morning. Observe the groggy jangle of 2014’s achingly wistful “Warned You”, along with other early tracks that sound like they were recorded from atop an unmade bed. There’s always something woozy and warped about the duo’s affable indie pop, while also feeling all too classic in their spot-on melodies. Even when Parsons and Blair upped their recording budget—cutting 2021’s Barnyard at Wilco’s Chicago studio The Loft—there’s still an endearing homemade element at play. That’s certainly true of “Country”, which sets Parsons’ heart-on-sleeve lyrics about the goalposts of holding down a boyfriend and a therapist (neither of which he actually had at the time) against a buzzing stack of overlapping guitar lines. Often releasing two singles at a time so that each member’s songwriting is equally represented, Good Morning finally found a way to get more of their songs out at once by making 2024’s Good Morning Seven a double album.