Gee Baller

Gee Baller

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Gee Baller

По словам артиста: Подробно опишите одно из ваших самых ранних воспоминаний, связанных с музыкой. I remember my dad’s large vinyl collections of blues and afrobeats. And I would say to myself one day I’ll make music that people can relate to putting up on their shelves. Выберите в Apple Music одну из своих песен, которую любите, и расскажите, почему она особенная для вас. Почему вы выбрали эту песню? “2Am In Moscow (feat. Queen Thandeka)” 2Am in Moscow — this track is very personal to me. I was at the lowest point of my life when I made that song looking back now. It feels good to know I almost fulfilled all that I said in that song. Какой был самый запоминающийся момент вашей карьеры? Putting together my first album Live & Learn by myself and releasing it independently from my bedroom. Есть ли у вас как исполнителя или у вашей группы важные планы, которые предстоит выполнить? My most important plan is to put African hip-hop on the map. Today the world knows afrobeat because of the work they have put in. My goal is to put out high-quality hip-hop projects and redefine the culture of Nigeria.


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