Show Me the Body belong to a long lineage of bands from New York whose loud and defiant music bridges the city’s hardcore punk and hip-hop communities. After forming in 2009, the group developed a DIY mash-up of radical politics and sludgy tantrums while playing chaotic basement shows and sharing bills with their pals in the underground hip-hop crew RATKING. Show Me the Body’s recorded output, beginning with their 2016 debut, Body War, successfully bottles their anarchic spirit. Julian Cashwan Pratt shifts impulsively between rapping and screaming while bass, samples, drums, synths and even feedback-drenched banjo crawl all over each other. Collaboration is another key outlet for Show Me the Body’s love of connecting diverse scenes. In addition to co-launching two arts collectives, Letter Racer and CORPUS Family, their members have worked with musicians as creatively far-flung as harsh-noise merchant Dreamcrusher and left-field MC Princess Nokia.