Thomas Kessler


Infos zu Thomas Kessler

Mit den Worten des:der Künstler:in: Beschreibe eine deiner frühesten musikalischen Erinnerungen im Detail. I took up the piano at the age of 9 and made my first own recordings with my older brother’s tape deck. I mostly just played by ear, started composing original pieces rather randomly for the sheer pleasure of experimenting with different sounds. Suche bei Apple Music nach einem deiner eigenen Titel, den du liebst. Erzähle uns, was ihn besonders macht. Lass uns wissen, warum du diesen Titel ausgewählt hast. “La Noia” La Noia' (Italian for boredom) is a keystone of my album 'FRAGILE'. In our stimulus-saturated consumer culture, boredom is considered an evil to be constantly battled. But this state of inner emptiness also holds the chance to open up to new things.

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
New Age
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