My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be

My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be

The 2007 reissue of the Georgia trio’s 1996 debut album, My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be, opens with a mantra of krautrock-inspired keyboard patterns that dissolve into a singular cello scratching out notes alongside sparse cymbal accompaniment. Halfway through, the song transforms into instrumental doom metal, sounding like Karp playing out of smaller amps. A similarly minimal percussion opens “Women Dig It” before a giant wall of distortion appears out from nowhere, like the black monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. But it’s the pained howling into the microphone that makes this song one of the album’s most unsettling. At first, “The Anvil Will Fall” plays like a folk ballad being sung over a clean-toned electric guitar, until a barrage of stormy noise rock comes crashing down like a sonic flash flood. At nearly 13 minutes long, “F.S.T.P.” is the album’s epic.

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