Sion James

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About Sion James

In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. It's more of a gig really. The year is 1992. The venue is the old Cardiff Arms Park. The band; U2 on their Zoo TV tour. What a gig, venue, time of life, and band to call my first experience of live music. Thank you U2, what an impression you left! What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? It was being in a recording studio for the very first time. It was 1994 with my old band SmallTown Motion. We saved every penny from our Saturday jobs to pay for recording time at Grassroots Studio, Cardiff to record our first six track demo. Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band? Wow! What a question for an artist taking his first baby steps to answer. Being able to get to this point with a back catalogue of songs to release is an aspiration I didn't think I'd achieve. But if I am to name one, how about a Christmas number 1!

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