After the multi-platinum success of her debut album, Sheryl Crow could've coasted on her second. Instead, she took a bold leap into unknown territory with her 1996 self-titled release, weaving strands of alternative rock, '60s psychedelia and hip-hop into an ever-surprising whole. Flower Power guitar lines snake around techno grooves and folk-rooted melodies throughout these tracks. But Sheryl Crow is more than a kaleidoscopic combination of pop styles - it also displays Crow's newly-sharpened lyric thrust. "A Change Would Do You Good" glides on a gushing stream of wordplay, while"Everyday is a Winding Road" is infused with expansive idealism. "Love is a Good Thing" takes on dangerous targets (Wal-Mart, no less!), balancing the rueful angst of "If It Makes You Happy" and the clear-eyed regret of "Home." Whether she's mocking the world's absurdities or revealing her scars, Crow flies high and proud on this risk-taking release.