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À propos de : Puggy

Selon l’artiste : Décrivez en détail l’un de vos plus lointains souvenirs dans le domaine de la musique. The memory of going up on stage shortly after the release of our first album and having the audience sing every word back to us was truly incredible. It connects you and the audience in an amazing way as if you’re all telling the same story together. Quels sont vos trois albums préférés sur Apple Music et pourquoi ? Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ces trois albums en particulier ? Guns N' Roses, Appetite for Destruction (Super Deluxe) Kendrick Lamar, To Pimp a Butterfly Remi Wolf, Juno To Pimp a Butterfly : profound statement that resonates with its listeners, and it continues to inspire us with its depth and creativity. Appetite for destruction is simply one of the best rock albums of all time. Juno is just as eclectic as she is. Choisissez sur Apple Music un morceau à vous que vous aimez particulièrement et dites‑nous ce qui le rend si spécial. Dites-nous pourquoi vous avez choisi ce morceau “How I Needed You” “How I needed you” was our fist hit. It changed everything for us. The day after a live version of it aired on French national tv, we entered the top five in charts. We still love playing it live too. It really connects us to our audience. Quel est jusqu’à présent l’un des moments les plus marquants de votre carrière ? Selling out the Brussels arena Forest National for the first time felt like a real victory for us and our fans. They got us there and we put on the best show we could for them. It’s an incredible memory for us. Souhaitez-vous proposer autre chose en tant qu’artiste ou en tant que groupe ? We are always looking for new ways to express our creativity. We went from being a live band to a collective of song writers, producers, film music composers and content creators. We feel we’re only getting started.

Brussels, Belgium

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Amérique latine et Caraïbes

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