- 2016
- Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra
- The Royal Military Band, The Johan Willem Friso Military Band, Shobi Wind Orchestra, The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force & The Band of the Belgian Navy
- Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy & Major Arjan Tien
- Ferrer Ferran, Banda Sinfónica Juvenil Simón Bolivar & Igor Martinez
- The Symphonic Band of the Lemmens Conservatory, Jan Van der Roost, The Band of the Belgian Air Force, Alain Crépin, The Royal Military Band, Pierre Kuijpers, The Johan Willem Friso Military Band, Alex Schillings, The Baden-Württemberg Wind Orchestra, Civica Filarmonica di Lugano, Franco Cesarini & Peter Snelkincks
- The Johan Willem Friso Military Band, The Royal Norwegian Navy Band, Wil van der Beek & The Slovenian Police Band